How often have you put yourself in someone else’s shoes to see how they feel and to try to understand from their perspectives? Empathy allows us to be more conscious of others’ emotions, to build relationships and foster healthy environments, especially for those struggling with mental illnesses. The ability to empathize can be beneficial in understanding what other people experience and can nurture loving and compassionate responses. In fact, kids grow up to be more caring and compassionate in a household that practices empathy. As adults, it is important to continue to embrace empathy and treat people the way you want to be treated. 

Understanding Empathy? 

Empathy is defined as the “ability to feel or imagine another person’s emotional experience.” The three facets of empathy are understanding the emotion of another person, feeling that emotion, and responding in a suitable and appropriate manner. Empathy is an aspect of emotional intelligence and is marked as a core contributor in developing motivation to assist someone in distress.

In today’s society, we often get too caught up with our own busy life and personal problems that many of us refuse to listen and fail to empathize with other people’s struggles.

Why Is It Important to Develop Empathy?

Almost every aspect of our lives is affected by our ability (or lack thereof) to empathize.

  1. Empathy affects how we are viewed. Those with greater empathy skills are considered to be more sociable and well-liked. They are also easier to relate to and discuss experiences with, making them more attractive as a friend.
  2. Empathy can improve work relationships. Increased empathy can also increase work productivity. As people enjoy having a conversation with people who are skilled at empathizing, those with greater empathy are often preferred as managers and co-workers.
  3. Empathy contributes to satisfying marriages. No two people have the same thoughts and experiences, so learning to empathize and relate to your partner will lead to a more fulfilling and solicitous relationship.
  4. Empathy leads to better parenting. Those with a greater ability to empathize are not only able to better relate to their children and create a more nurturing environment, but they will also be more equipped to show their children how to empathize in everyday life.

Ways to Improve Empathy

There are many different strategies and approaches to increasing empathy. Although it is partly innate, it’s also a skill that can be honed and developed. Increasing the ability to empathize cannot be done overnight or through a quick fix. However, you can put in the effort to make small changes and it will lead to the development of natural empathy over time.

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